Art Is King podcast Episode 49
Atlanta has lots of Art Talent. Lots. And if you don’t know about Kamikaze Animated, then you are really missing out on one of the best writing and cleanest artwork webcomic that is gearing up to blow up. Homegrown. Straight out of ATL.
Now you know.
Kamikaze is an animated sci-fi drama & comic set in a desolate world where food is more precious than gold.
In a post-apocalyptic future where feudal corporate houses hoard food and basic resources, a young freerunning courier intent on escaping her city is unwittingly thrown into a life or death game of corporate sabotage from which she may never escape.
An epic science fiction saga, a taut political thriller, and highflying hero tale with an intimate dramatic heart.
The three artists involved in the Kamikaze web-comic, are creators Alan and Carrie Tupper, and their partner Havana Nguyen.
Carrie Tupper
Alan Tupper
Havana Nguyen
Their goal: to get Kamikaze made into an animated series and bring it to your living room.
Read the new comic page every Wednesday at
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Ask for a Fan Kit by contacting them directly at [email protected]
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Art Is King podcast is hosted by DTM of DeltaTangoMike.com (@DeltaTangoMike)
Get out and learn so you can Earn. Let go of the Starving Artist Title and move into the Thriving Artist Art Life!