Microsoft Innovation Center at FlatironFlatIron City, one of the most historic buildings in downtown Atlanta played host to the most modern tech events we like to call Pixel Playoffs.
The idea is that 8 artists go head to head in a one loss elimination bracket set until there is only one winner. The brackets and the GridIron reference were taken from the NFL where 16 teams enter the playoffs and only one team is crowned Super Bowl Champ. DTM - Casting Director and Curator of @ArtIsKing_ATL, brought his team; Aisha Flores - Cast Manager and Morena Durham - Coordinator, to give ATL's most awesome digital artists a chance to compete for Digital Art Life Supremacy and a brand new Surface Book! Prizes courtesy of Microsoft Innovation Center at Flatiron, Microsoft and Microsoft Surface. |
Surface Book and Surface Pro 4Mike Sick (@MicXSic) kept the energy on full blast as two sets of artists took the stage to battle it out every 10 minutes and the crowd voted for their favorite online or through an app built on Azure and Xamarin by a team led by Ian Philpot of Microsoft Innovation Center ATL.
The night was intense as artists were sweating it out drawing on the Surface Pro 4 machines to show off their best. In the end Havana (@Havana_N), TeMika Grooms (@TeMikaTheArtist). Dustin Bolton (@Dualbo), Dubelyoo (@Dubelyoo), Kelsi Jackson (@BGIllustrations) and Wayman Humphrey (@TheMaddPenciller) were out! Finally it was Roger Parrilla (@RogerParrilla) who took home the big prize; a Surface Book! as he bested DTM (@DeltaTangoMike) in the final round. |
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