This is a special edition of the Art Is King podcast. Once a week we will feature hands on art business advice from an art professional. Two weeks ago we heard from the Artist, Curator, Dubelyoo as he shared tips on Artist Sponsorships. That was part one. Part two will continue next week.
This week we have the advice of Allyssa RocketPower Lewis and she shares Art Business advice for Animators and any studio bound artist.
Allyssa Lewis is an animator with Floyd County productions, producers of Archer on FX Channel. She has years of mentoring experience and producing animation events with ASIFA in Atlanta.
Allyssa has launched My Animation Life and its a real live and online resource for animators looking for jobs and a resource for animation houses to find artists.
Check out her Facebook Page: My Animation Life and come out June 7 to the Helping Artists Find Jobs & Internships conference, its free and all the info is online at www.artisking.org
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DTM of DeltaTangoMike.com is your host.